
He looked at me. I looked at him. Or was it staring? There were three of them. Behing a metal fence that was on top of a high wall. One my side of the wall there was a party raging....

Internationals from all over the world were dancing wildly. A DJ with cool glasses and bold head was up on a balcony, spinning disc. A beautiful Afghan girl was dancing as she was stoned. Looked like many of the people here were stoned. Or drunk. Or both. A French guy was juggling fire balls, very cool.

Two big breasts und a tiny bikini were projected at one of the walls. They were part of a surver movie, showing lots of skin. Sexy pictures. In a landlocked country with the nickname of burkistan.

What might he be thinking? Would he like to kill me, as well as all the other infidels. Or was he dreaming and his stare was full of jaleousy, why can't he have such a rich, free, and fun life like me?

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